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Follow the steps below to add your device. Click the ADD button to add a device to this room. Then, you will be taken to the page of the room you just created, where you are going to add and use your Shelly devices. Set a room name, select an image for the room or upload your own. Click the ADD button to add your first room. Once you login, you will be taken to the default home page Rooms. The link is unique and can be used only once. You will receive an e-mail with а link to а page where you can reset your password.


In case you forget or lose your password, click the Forgotten password link on the login screen and enter the e-mail used in your registration. You need to use an actual e-mail because that e-mail will be used in case of а forgotten password! Forgotten Password The first time you load the Shelly Cloud mobile app, you have to create an account which can manage all your Shelly devices.


Installationĭownload the Shelly Cloud Application here or scan the QR code on the Shelly device packaging. It can also be set to trigger actions on other Shelly devices, run schedules, scenes, and web hooks. One Shelly Device can be grouped with other devices in the application. Shelly Cloud allows easy control and monitoring using a mobile phone, tablet, or PC. (with upcoming add-ons or available sensors on shelly.cloud). Shelly Cloud allows you to create scenes for automatic control of devices at predefined hours or based on other parameters like temperature, humidity, light, etc. Having a Shelly user account is necessary to include your Shelly devices to home automation platforms like Amazon Alexa or Google Home. Shelly devices are compatible with other most widely accepted both local and cloud based home automation platforms. Devices do not need to be connected to the cloud or to send data there.Ī Shelly Cloud App user account is required to access, include, and control Shelly devices through the application. There is also an option not to connect your devices to the internet with local control mode. The App offers the possibility to control all Shelly devices remotely from any internet connection by using the cloud option. Shelly Cloud is a home automation app for managing and controlling Shelly home automation devices.

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